- Scope of Services (Outpatient)
Emirates Rehabilitation & Homecare LLC, provides quality care and treatment to all
patients, whose medical needs can be met within the capability of the ERHC staff and facilities.
Population Served
The population served at Emirates Rehabilitation & Homecare LLC, includes
Children (Up-to age 13 years) Adolescents (age 14 years to 18 years) and Adults, regardless of
national or ethnic origin, economic status, lifestyle, creed or philosophical beliefs. Patients can
expect appropriate procedures, treatments, interventions and care will be provided according to
established policies, procedures, protocols that have been developed to ensure patient safety and
positive outcomes.
Program | Clinical services | Hours of service |
Out-Patient Rehabilitation | 1. Medical Services a) PM&R Specialist or General Practitioners consultation related to rehabilitation programs | Mon – Sat 8:30 AM to 5:30PM |
3. Physical Medicine · Physiotherapy · Speech Therapy · Occupational Therapy · Respiratory Therapy | Mon – Sat 8 AM to 5:30PM One session – 45 Minutes hands on therapy |
Scope of Services – Rehabilitation Services
- 1. Goal for the department:
1.1. Examining (history, system review and tests and measures) individuals with impairment,
functional limitation, and disability or other health-related conditions in order to determine a
diagnosis, prognosis, and intervention; tests and measures may include the following:
1.1.1. Aerobic capacity/endurance
1.1.2. Anthropometric characteristics
1.1.3. Arousal, attention, and cognition
1.1.4. Speech and language assessments
1.1.5. Assistive and adaptive devices
1.1.6. Circulation (arterial, venous, lymphatic)
1.1.7. Cranial and peripheral nerve integrity
1.1.8. Environmental, home, and work (Job/ School/ Play) barriers
1.1.9. Ergonomics and body mechanics
1.1.10. Gait, locomotion, and balance
1.1.11. Joint integrity and mobility
1.1.12. Motor function (motor control and motor learning)
1.1.13. Muscle performance (including strength, power, and endurance)
1.1.14. Neuro-motor development and sensory integration
1.1.15. Orthotic, protective, and supportive devices
1.1.16. Skeletal Pain assessment and management 1.1.17. Posture 1.1.18. Prosthetic requirements 1.1.19. Range of motion (including muscle length) 1.1.20. Reflex integrity 1.1.21. Self-care and home management (including activities of daily living and instrumental activities of daily living) 1.1.22. Sensory integrity 1.1.23. Ventilation, and respiration/gas exchange 1.1.24. Work (job/school/play), community, leisure integration or reintegration (including instrumental activities of daily living).
1.2. Alleviating impairment and functional limitation by designing, implementing, and modifying
therapeutic interventions that includes, but is not limited to:
1.2.1. coordination, communication and documentation
1.2.2. patient/client-related instruction
1.2.3. therapeutic exercise
1.2.4. therapeutic activities
1.2.5. sensory stimulation and integration
1.2.6. functional training in self-care and home management (including activities of daily
living and instrumental activities of daily living)
1.2.7. alternative and augmentative interventions
1.2.8. language intervention
1.2.9. feeding and swallowing therapy
1.2.10. functional training in work (job/school/play) and community and leisure integration or
1.2.11. reintegration activities (including instrumental activities of daily living, work hardening,
and work conditioning)
1.2.12. manual therapy techniques (including mobilization/manipulation)
1.2.13. prescription, application, and, as appropriate, fabrication of devices and equipment
(assistive, adaptive, orthotic, protective, supportive, and prosthetic)
1.2.14. airway clearance techniques
1.2.15. electrotherapeutic modalities
1.2.16. physical agents and mechanical modalities
1.3. Preventing injury, impairment, functional limitation, and disability, including the promotion
and maintenance of health, wellness, fitness, and quality of life in all age populations
1.4. Engaging in consultation, education.
2. Types and Age of Patient Served:
2.1. All age groups (excluding below 1 year)
3. Services Hours and Specialty Provision:
3.1. The department is functional from 08:00 am– 5:00 pm. From Monday to Saturday.
3.2. One session duration – 45 Minutes
3.3. Recommendation, frequency, intensity of therapy and treatment plan of sessions will be
finalized based on initial assessment. Then it will be discussed with Person served and updated
in the Medical report.
3.4. Multi-disciplinary team
3.4.1. Physiotherapists
3.4.2. Occupational Therapists
3.4.3. Speech Therapists
3.4.4. Respiratory Therapist
4. Services Offered:
4.1. The Rehabilitation Department highly experienced multidisciplinary team manages a wide
spectrum of conditions including:
• Pain
o Neuropathic pain
o Nociceptive pain
o Abdominal wall pain
o Pelvic pain
o Skeletal pain in pediatric patients
o Headache (Migraine, occipital neuralgia)
• Musculoskeletal Conditions
o Neck pain
o Low back pain
o Arthritis
o Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, trigger fingers
o Arthritic conditions
o Tendon injuries, i.e., lacerations, tendonitis
o Post-traumatic, i.e., whiplash, job-related
o Other soft tissue problems i.e., bursitis, tendonitis
o Fibromyalgia
• Neurological Conditions
o Strokes
o Spinal cord injuries
o Traumatic Brain injuries
o Neuropathies
o Other conditions: Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinsonism, Muscular Dystrophy
o Spasticity and Contractures
• General Post-Surgery Conditions
o Post arthroplasty (total hip or knee replacements)
o Post arthroscopy
o Post reconstructive surgery (ACL repair)
o Post spinal surgeries (discectomies or decompression)
o Post abdominal surgeries
• Cardiopulmonary Conditions
o Post cardiac surgery
o Post angioplasty
o Cardiac disease
• Sports injuries
o Running injuries – i.e., knee, ankle, shin splints
o Sprains and strains
o Shoulder and elbow pain
o Post sport trauma injuries
o Muscular injuries
• Pediatric Conditions
o Physical developmental delays
o Learning disabilities
o Autism / pervasive developmental disorders
o Sensory processing disorders
o Cerebral palsy
o Down’s Syndrome
o Torticollis
o Peripheral nerve birth injuries
o Club foot
• Women’s Health Interventions
o Pelvic floor exercises
o Post-natal back care
• General Conditioning and Endurance
o Vascular claudication, Amputees
o Cancer patients, i.e., endurance, pain, decrease physical dependence
o Post hospitalization
o Diabetic/renal patients
o Trauma patients
• Language Disorders
o Pediatric Language Delays and Disorders
o Social/Pragmatic Language Disorders
o Central Auditory Processing Disorders
o Cognitive-Communication Disorders
o Disorders affecting Metacognition/Metalinguistic
o Acquired language disorders in adults
o Apraxia in children and adults
• Speech Disorders
o Articulation/ Phonological disorders
o Dysarthria
o Voice Disorders
o Fluency Disorders (Stuttering and Cluttering)
o Orofacial myofunction disorders
o Language and speech disorders due to hearing impairment including (Auditory verbal
• Swallowing Disorders
o Feeding Aversion
o Oro motor / sensory feeding disorders
o Dysphagia assessment and therapeutic intervention
4.2 The Rehabilitation Department highly experienced multidisciplinary team offers a wide spectrum of rehabilitation services and treatment modalities including:o Interventional rehabilitation & pain management procedures

Focal Spasticity Management

Intra-articular injections

Trigger points injections
o Therapeutic Exercises
o Movement training
o Manual therapy techniques
o Thermal therapy (cold pack, hot packs, paraffin bath)
o Electro therapy (TENS, IFC, NMES)
o Taping
o Ultrasound therapy
o Soft tissue release
o Shockwave therapy
o Cryotherapy
o Therapeutic Activities

Activities of daily living

Work related activities

Leisure activities
o Hand therapy including:


o Sensory stimulation and integration

Vestibular stimulation

Neurodevelopmental therapy
o Mobility and sitting assessments
o Cognitive retraining
o Community reintegration
o Ergonomic interventions
o Home modifications and access
o Alternative and augmentative intervention
o Language intervention
o Articulation therapy
o Feeding and swallowing therapy
o Oral motor therapy techniques
o Audiologic and vestibular rehabilitation
5. Advanced diagnostic and therapeutic modalities, significant equipment and processes available in the department
Interferential Therapy (IFT)

Shock wave therapy

Transcutaneous Nerve Stimulator (TENS)


Electrical Stimulator

Combination Therapy

Moist Heat

Continuous Passive Movement (CPM)

Functional Independence Measure (FIM)
Disclaimer: The services offered by this centre will be periodically assessed and updated to accommodate any changes, such as the introduction of new services or the discontinuation of current services. Scope of Service shall be reviewed on an annual basis.